Help me understand this article. Obama asks for an increase in the debt ceiling and in order for it to be stopped, both the House and the Senate would have to pass a resolution (which won't happen since they are both controlled by Democrats) and then even if they did, Obama could simply veto the resolution. This is the system of checks and balances that we've come to accept?
Also, let me do some quick math. We are looking at 16.4 trillion in debt. There are around 300 million people in the US. That's a debt burden of around 55k per man, woman, and child in this country. Considering the fact that only half of us actually pay taxes, let's call it 110k per tax payer. I'm ignoring working ages and plenty of other variables that would likely drive that number even higher but you get the point. 110k per tax payer? 220k per married couple if both work? Do we all have that budgeted into our personal expenditures? We raise the debt limit as though we're just extending our credit card so we can work it out later. When is later folks?
We pat ourselves on the back when Clinton balanced the budget. Balancing is not even close to good enough. We need an actual business person in the White House.
I don't claim to be an expert, just a very concerned citizen. Someone tell me I did my math wrong please!
Also, with all that money, can't they fix the wallpaper in the Oval Office? Look at that door! (If you can't laugh you gotta cry).
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