
This site is focused on the politics of today and creating constructive discussion on key issues. With the Presidential election in our near future it is more important than ever that we educate ourselves on the people and politics running our country.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's your opinion on stand your ground?

Marion Hammer takes aim at a firing range in 1995. She was the first female president of the National Rifle Association.

"When Jeb Bush signed Florida's Stand Your Ground law, it was the nation's first. Half the states now have the law, or one like it, on their books. Sometimes called the "Make My Day" law, it allows people to use deadly force to defend themselves against attack -- at home or in public -- without fear of prosecution or civil liability. Supporters see it as leveling the field, their opponents as a call to vigilantism." - CNN

I'm all for gun rights and for people to have the right to defend themselves, however, there needs to be a relatively strict criteria around when you're allowed to shoot someone.  My biggest issue here is the ambiguity.  Of course you should be allowed to defend yourself but when, and to what degree?  Does the law apply differently to a 25 year old male who's 6'2", 250 lbs than to a 75 year old lady?  It probably should but there needs to be some very clear definition around when you can pull a trigger.

I think this comes down to education.  As a CCW card carrier I think the initial training I had to go through was very good and adequate.  However, under the laws of my state, I won't have to take another class for 10 years!  It's been 3 and I have already forgotten much of what was taught.  If I'm going to be licensed to carry a concealed firearm in public, I feel a responsibility to keep myself educated on it's appropriate use.  I hope others feel the same way.

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